This is an ADVANCED swath-width calculator for a Dual Head Multibeam system that allows for asymmetric swaths. Enter each sonar's parameters including, physical sonar mount tilt, lateral sonar offset from…
Calculate the line spacing required and view the cross-section areas for a tilted multibeam sonar head. X-Axis = Positive Forward Roll = Positive as Port side goes upY-Axis = Positive…
Calculate the total time a survey will take given using a traditional (single-swath) MBES. You must enter the swath width, size of the survey area, average depth and speed of…
Calculates the resultant along-track and across-track beamwidths of a multibeam echosounder at a specific frequency using the known beamwidths at a specific reference frequency. Sonar Settings: Enter the Beamwidths of…
This tool converts a seconds-since-midnight value from the beginning of the current day or the beginning of the GPS Week and vice-versa. HYPACK HSX file observations are seconds-since-midnight of the…
This calculator has been superseded by a new page (link below) that calculates Line Spacing for all three Patch Tests when using a tilted head.
This tool calculates the number of sonar hits (beams or soundings) in a user-specified square grid cell based on Swath Width, Sonar Range, Sonar Altitude, Speed of Advance, and Ping…
This tool calculates the resultant lever arm (shifted port/stbd & up/down) after rotating the sonar on a tilt adapter. Start with your current lever arm and the vertical distance from…
This tool calculates two sets of line-pair spacings to reduce the data acquisition time compared to running lines with a set line spacing by over 35%. Referring to the diagram…
This tool will determine the distance between the Yaw test lines to achieve the desired overlap at the minimum depth. Enter the minimum Altitude/Depth along the Yaw Lines, the swath…